In Memoriam
The family of Betty Clough presented a bench during a memorial ceremony, August 2005.
We understand the importance of honoring those before us and keeping the memory of loved ones alive. With our In Memoriam program, you can honor a friend or loved one with a memorial gift.
As a rememberance, the memorial name will be:
Listed on a plaque at Albany Regional Museum for one year
Published in our newsletter
Posted on our website
Your gift will help support Albany Regional Museum’s future exhibits and programs.
Memorials of 2023
Richard Butts
Maurice Cook
Tom & Mary Cowgill
Jimmy Goode
Tom Holman
Vincent Hurley
Cathy Ingalls
Jim Jordan
David Kryger
Dorthea Kurtz
Carolyn Palmer
Donald Reeser
Irene Reeser
Walter Reeser
Lee Rohrbough
Melba Saylor
Karl Warner
Darrell Wolfe
Stephen Yih
Memorials of 2024
Wayne Buck
Maurice Cook
Tom & Mary Cowgill
Robert & Pearl Groves
Wendell J. Heintzman
Hope Family
James Hope
Ruth Hope
Cathy Ingalls
Jim Jordan
Lewis Family
Don Martin
Ralph Nielsen
Viola Nielsen
Norman & Melba Saylor
Norm & Charlotte Schmidt
Linda Tedisch
Utzinger Family
Wallace Family
Karen Whitehead
Stephen Yih
Zell Family
Memorials of 2021
Capi Alexander
Phillip & Phyllis Alexander
James Blodgett
Bert Chambers
Maurice Cook
Tom and Mary Cowgill
Marylea Cox
Beverly Decker
Daniel Paul Dooley
Marvin Evans
Tom Holman
Viola Hughson
Herb Jenkins
Jim Jordan
Ron Loney
Bob Lowry
H. Dan Moore
Mary “Carolyn” Palmer
Oliver Payton
Melba Saylor
Karl Warner
Lee & Leo White
Stephen Yih
Memorials of 2022
Donald Albright
James Blodgett
Ron Carey
Lenora Clewell
Donald Cowgill
Tom & Mary Cowgill
Veda Cowgill
Jackson Frost
Viola Hughson
Cathy Ingalls
Jim Jordan
Doug Killin
Ralph Nielsen
Mary Carolyn Palmer
Verlin Perkins
Melba Saylor
Doris Scharpf
Scott Serrill, MD
Karl Warner
Stephen Yih
Memorials of 2019
Minnie Alice Buchanan
Ron Carey
Mary Joyce Carnegie
Bert Chambers
Dalton Cooley
Glen Cushman
Daniel Paul Dooley
Jack Gillespie
Tom Holmes
James Long
Gary Norman
Clarence Opel
Howard Poppleton
Del Riley
June Frager Thompson
Leon Widmer
Memorials of 2020
Bert W. Chambers
Tom & Mary Cowgill
Marylea Cox
Ken Davis
Daniel Paul Dooley
Sidney Harrison
Archie Hayes
Royce & Lurlene Holloway
Raymond Jean
James Harvey Jordan
Dr. Fritz Earl Kaiser
Earl Daniel Kenagy
Robert Lowry
William Mickelberry
Dr. Richard Reid
Lee Rohrbough
Claus Sass
Karl Warner
Stephen Yih
memorials of 2017
Lorraine Carter
Dalton Cooley
Mary Lea Livingston Cox
Glenn Cushman
Royce and Larlene Holloway
Tom Holman
Alvin Kok
Rene Moye
Shirley Pollak
Lee Roghrbough
Jess Tann
Marilyn Wagener
Martha Ann Warnke
Larry Webster
Gordon "Leon" Widmer
memorials of 2018
Ron Carey
Dalton Cooley
James Corwin
Glenn Cushman
Daniel Paul Dooley
Tom Holman
Richard Ikola
Jim Long
Gary Norman
Clarence Opel
Howard Poppleton
Margery Reeser
Del Riley
Ray and Shirley Ruckert
Leon Widmer
Clayton Wood
Memorials of 2015
Marge Barrett
Don Brash
Virginia Burkhart
Rodger Butler
Lorraine Carter
Ethel Cummings
Admiral Vincent de Poix
Dayt Elston
Jim Fuson
James C. “Jimmy” Goode, Jr.
Melvin Jenks
Marcia Lewis
Marilyn Kok
Hector Macpherson, Jr.
Fern Mikkelson
John William “Jack” Miner
Betty Lou Morris
Elizabeth “Betty” Orr
Robert (Bob) Gene Reeser
Mary Belle Reeser Vaughn-Reiff
Sam Suklis
Robert Warren
memorials of 2016
Gus Steve August
Dr. A. Eugene “Gene” Carlson
Rojean Evans
James C. “Jimmy” Goode, Jr.
Mildred Hawkins
Annette Marie Hobbs
Dr. Richard J. Hopeman
Virginia Moore
Betty Orr
Darrell Pepper
Lynn Powers
Roger Reid
George Tom
JoAn Y. Widmer
Memorials of 2013
Blanche Beatrice “Bebe” Barnes
Oscar “Lee” Bridgeman
Carolyn (Sheppard) Burdick
Kay DeRosia
Jacqueline “Jay” Jackson
Jean McCorkle
Carol McKay
Mike McLaran
Fern Mikkelson
Clarence Reeser
Alice Collins Roberson
Robert “Bob” Robertson
Esther Anna Simmons
Memorials of 2014
Eleanor Beight
Wilma Burch
Dorothy Hagerty
Wanda Humphrey
James W. “Jimmy” Jenks
Lester Kropf
James J. “Jimmy” Martin
Oliver Petty
Garner Pool
Jeannette Reid
Alice Summers Roberts
Phyllis Vollstedt
Robert “Bob” Waibel
Martha Anne Warnke